
Cestini di Pecorino con Fave al Timo

Hi everybody!
Today is an amazingly hot day in Manhattan, wow!
Saturady I went at the green market and I found a legume I really love: fava beans! Here in Manhattan it is so difficult to find them, while in Italy they are especially grown in Toscana where they are traditionally eaten raw (the tender ones) with Pecorino, another excellence of that region.
Remembering that amazing "marriage" I have thought at this different version. I used a young Pecorino Toscano DOP (in English POD, Protected Designation of Origin).
This recipe is fresh, nice to see and sooo gooood!
Let's start!

Cestini di Pecorino con Fave al Timo

  • 1 pot
  • 1 frying pan
  • 1 glass
  • a grater
  • 7 ounces fava beans - weigh of the seeds (200 gr fave sgranate)
  • 3.5 ounces Pecorino Toscano grated (100 gr Pecorino grattugiato)
  • 1 ounce butter (25 gr burro)
  • thyme (timo)
  • olive oil (olio d'oliva)
  • salt
  • Cook the cleaned fava beans in boiling water for 10 minutes, than dry them and pour them in a bowl with cold water for some minutes. After this operation you will easily be able to shell them.
Cuocere le fave in acqua bollente per 10 minuti quindi scolarle e versarle in una ciotola di acqua fredda. Dopo questa operazione sarà facile sgusciarle.
  • Dress the fava beans with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and fresh thyme
Condire le fave con 3 cucchiai di fave, sale e timo fresco.

  • Heat a frying pan. Add a little piece of butter and, when it is melted, pour 2 tablespoons of grated Pecorino in the pan. You have to create a sort of "crepe" round shaped.
Scaldate una padella. Aggiungete un pò di burro e, quando è sciolto, aggiungete 2 cucchiai di Pecorino grattuggiato. Dovrete creare una sorta di cialda sottile e rotonda.

  • Cook on low heat until it become light brown on the bottom. At that point turn off the fire and wait few seconds.
Cuocete finchè non vedete che sul fondo diventa leggermente dorato. Spegnete il fuoco e aspettate qualche secondo

  • With the aid of a large paddle take the cheese and overturn it on an overturned glass (!) so that it can take the shape of a basket. Be careful to help it stick to the glass.
Con l'aiuto di una spatola larga prendete il formaggio e capovolgetelo su un bicchiere capovolto così che possa prendere la forma di un cestino. Fate attenzione che la cialda aderisca al bicchiere.

  • When the basket gets cool, take it and fill it with the fava beans. Dish and Enjoy!
Quando il cestino si è raffreddato prendetelo e riempitelo con le fave. Servite e Buon Appetito!


  1. Gorgeous! What a beautiful idea. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  2. How beautiful! I'm so impressed with your culinary skills. While somewhat intimidated, I am going to give these a try! The baskets are just stunning.

  3. This is great! Anyone will be impressed not only with the flavors but also with the presentation!

  4. This is so great! Any dinner guest will be very impressed not only with the flavors but also the presentation! Following you!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, and a brillant reconstruction of fave e pecorino!

  6. Yes, it does look a little bit risky for a fumble-finger like me, but it looks so-o-o-o-o-good and so pretty, I'm definitely willing to give it a go! Thanks!

  7. Lovely lovely lovely! That's about all to say. :)

  8. Here in the heart of Tuscany people (traditionally on May, 1st) eat fava beans also with Tuscan raw ham... it is called "Prosciutto e baccelli"!!!

  9. I love cheese cups and love that you made yours with pecorino and filled it with fava beans. Delicious!

  10. These looks awesome. Lovely presentation. And fava beans, my favorite.
