
Cestini di Pecorino con Fave al Timo

Hi everybody!
Today is an amazingly hot day in Manhattan, wow!
Saturady I went at the green market and I found a legume I really love: fava beans! Here in Manhattan it is so difficult to find them, while in Italy they are especially grown in Toscana where they are traditionally eaten raw (the tender ones) with Pecorino, another excellence of that region.
Remembering that amazing "marriage" I have thought at this different version. I used a young Pecorino Toscano DOP (in English POD, Protected Designation of Origin).
This recipe is fresh, nice to see and sooo gooood!
Let's start!

Cestini di Pecorino con Fave al Timo

  • 1 pot
  • 1 frying pan
  • 1 glass
  • a grater
  • 7 ounces fava beans - weigh of the seeds (200 gr fave sgranate)
  • 3.5 ounces Pecorino Toscano grated (100 gr Pecorino grattugiato)
  • 1 ounce butter (25 gr burro)
  • thyme (timo)
  • olive oil (olio d'oliva)
  • salt
  • Cook the cleaned fava beans in boiling water for 10 minutes, than dry them and pour them in a bowl with cold water for some minutes. After this operation you will easily be able to shell them.
Cuocere le fave in acqua bollente per 10 minuti quindi scolarle e versarle in una ciotola di acqua fredda. Dopo questa operazione sarà facile sgusciarle.
  • Dress the fava beans with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and fresh thyme
Condire le fave con 3 cucchiai di fave, sale e timo fresco.

  • Heat a frying pan. Add a little piece of butter and, when it is melted, pour 2 tablespoons of grated Pecorino in the pan. You have to create a sort of "crepe" round shaped.
Scaldate una padella. Aggiungete un pò di burro e, quando è sciolto, aggiungete 2 cucchiai di Pecorino grattuggiato. Dovrete creare una sorta di cialda sottile e rotonda.

  • Cook on low heat until it become light brown on the bottom. At that point turn off the fire and wait few seconds.
Cuocete finchè non vedete che sul fondo diventa leggermente dorato. Spegnete il fuoco e aspettate qualche secondo

  • With the aid of a large paddle take the cheese and overturn it on an overturned glass (!) so that it can take the shape of a basket. Be careful to help it stick to the glass.
Con l'aiuto di una spatola larga prendete il formaggio e capovolgetelo su un bicchiere capovolto così che possa prendere la forma di un cestino. Fate attenzione che la cialda aderisca al bicchiere.

  • When the basket gets cool, take it and fill it with the fava beans. Dish and Enjoy!
Quando il cestino si è raffreddato prendetelo e riempitelo con le fave. Servite e Buon Appetito!


Salame di Cioccolato

Grey day, sad day, need something to cheer me up...
What better than a super Chocolate dessert?
So, here I am with my Salame di Cioccolato recipe!
For it I used pure and organic cocoa powder, Piedmont hazelnuts and Gallette a simple biscuits made of flour, milk and sugar.
The recipe is simple, so simple that it is essential to use a good butter, not salted, fresh and without any weird no-cholesterol, low-fat descriptions on the package. Butter must be butter! It's not evil, the important thing is to eat it right and do not exceed! It would be amazing to use the farmer's butter you can buy at the green-market, for example in Union Square.

So, let's start!

Salame di Cioccolato

  • a mixer
  • 2 bowl
  • wax paper (carta forno)
  • 7 oz fresh butter (200 gr burro)
  • 4,5 oz sugar (130 gr zucchero)
  • 7 oz biscuits (200 gr biscotti tipo Oro Saiwa)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1,7 oz cocoa powder (50 gr polvere di cacao)
  • 1,7 oz almonds (50 gr mandorle)
  • 1,7 oz hazelnuts (50 gr nocciole)
  • 1,7 oz pine nuts (50 gr pinoli)

  • Whip up the albumens with a little pinch of salt until firm and set apart in the fridge
montare a neve gli albumi con un pizzico di sale finchè non sono sodi e metterli in frigo

  • Grossly crumble the biscuits
sbriciolare grossolanamente i biscotti
  • Grossly mince (with the mixer) almonds and hazelnuts being careful to keep them in quite big pieces
tritare grossolanamente mandorle e nocciole facendo attenzione a mantenerle in pezzi abbastanza grandi

  • Whip sugar and butter, than add the egg yolks, the cocoa powder and mix
Montare il burro con lo zucchero, quindi aggiungere i tuorli delle uova, il cacao e mescolare
  • Add the crumbled biscuits and continue to mix, than add the albumens and gently combine with the other ingredients
aggiungere i biscotti sbriciolati, mescolare quindi aggiungere gli albumi e incorporare gentilmente agli altri ingredienti
  • Now add the hazelnuts, the almonds and the pine nuts and go on kneading all the ingredients toghether: so funny!
aggiungere nocciole, mandorle e pinoli e continuare a impastare: è così divertente!

  • create a "salame" and wrap it in the wax paper. Keep in the freezer for one night before eating. When you want to eat it just put it into the fridge for about half an hour before serving it and ... enjoy!
creare un "salame" con l'impasto e avvolgerlo in carta forno. Conservare in freezer per una notte prima di consumarlo. Quando lo si vuole mangiare metterlo nel frigo per mezz'ora circa prima di consumarlo e...buon appetito!


The Earth, the Food and us

I know, this is not a recipe and apparently it has nothing to do with our passion: the cookery. Apparently .... in fact the food we love is the best gift the Earth can give us and we have to think about what we give to the Earth ...

To know, To choose, To change


Parmigiano Reggiano pasta brisée for a Green Peas Tart

Green peas are a wonderful seasonal vegetables. They always put me in a good mood (and in those days I really need something for the good mood). I don't know if it is because of the bright color, or because of the little round shape, or because of the pod...but they are a cheerful veggie!
Anyway I have made this recipe which is like a salted tart made with a Parmigiano Reggiano pasta brisée ...
Let's start!

  • board for kneading
  • rolling pin
  • baking pan
  • frying pan
  • bowl
  • for the brisée 10 minutes + 30 min of rest
  • for the recipe about 1 hour

for the brisée:
  • 7 ounces flour (200gr farina)
  • 2,8 ounces butter (80gr burro)
  • 1,76 ounces Parmigiano Reggiano grated (50gr parmigiano grattuggiato)
  • 1 egg
  • a pinch of salt
for the filling:
  • 5 ounces green peas (shelled) (140 gr piselli)
  • 1 scallion (1 scalogno)
  • 2 slices of bacon (2 fette di pancetta)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of cream (200ml di panna)
  • thyme
  • salt
  • pepper
  • dispose the flour, the Parmigiano Reggiano grated and the butter (better if it has been out of the fridge for 10 minutes) in the center of the board, create like a hole in the middle and dispose there the egg and a pinch of salt
mettete la farina, il parmigiano e il burro a temperatura ambiente slla spianatoia, create un buco al centro della fontana e mettetvi l'uovo e un izzico di sale
  • knead! With your fingers crumble the butter mixing it with the other ingredients, than use the whole hands and knead for like 2 minutes, not more, so that all the ingredients are well mixed together. Create a "ball", cover with a dish cloth and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. It's more difficult describing it rather than making it!
impastate! con le dita sbriciolate il burro con gli altri ingredienti e poi impastate velocemente tutto. create una palla e mettetela in frigo coperta da un canovaccio a riposare per almeno mezz'ora


Preheat the oven at 350°F
Scaldate il forno a 180°C
  • on a hot pan cook at low heat the bacon cut in little pieces, than add the onion and gently fry
su una padella calda mettete il bacon tagliato in piccoli pezzi e aggiungete lo scalogno facendo soffriggere a fuoco basso
  • add the green peas, the salt and the thyme. Cook for about 25 minutes. Set apart.
aggiungete i piselli, il sale e il timo e cuocete per circa 25 minuti. mette da parte.
  • Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper. Add the cream and mix well.
sbattete le uova con un pò di sale e pepe. aggiungete la panna e mescolate bene.

  • Take the brisée and with a roll-pin create a disc 0,2 inches thick. Make this operation on a wax paper already cut of the right size so that it will be easier than to arrange it in the baking pan.
stendete la pasta brisée in un disco di non più di mezzo cm di spessore. fate questa operazione sulla vostra carta da forno già tagliata della misura adatta così che poi sia più facile trasferirla nella teglia
  • Using a fork practice little holes in the brisée, this will aid the cooking process of the dough
punzecchiate la pasta con una forchetta, questo aiuterà la cottura della pasta

  • on the brisée arrange the peas and than cover them with the mixture
disponete i piselli sulla pasta quindi coprite con la panna e le uova sbattute

Cook for 35-40 minutes (depending on your oven)
cuocete per 35-40 minuti (dipende dal vostro forno)

Buon Appetito!


Tiramisù, subito!

I have to admit, recently I have been a little absent for what concerns the "new recipes". The fact is that I was too busy in the eating process! I don't know if you have Italian friends, or you are Italian and you have already experienced something like this, but every time I come back home (and the same happened to me when I used to live in France and I came back in Italy for visiting) the way to say welcome is always to invite me at wonderful lunches or dinners. I love the feeling. I love to feel the love that people put in the dishes they cooked to say "hey, welcome back!". I really enjoy this, BUT, of course, if I'm always invited, I don't cook. So this is the explanation to my recipes-absence!
Anyway, one Saturday morning, things were back to "normal" and I did what I used to always do on Saturday when I lived in Italy: COOK, a lot, with my mom.
My dad wakes up early and he goes to the market to find the list of ingredients we wrote for him the evening before. Me and my mom wake early too and start preparing for the recipes we are going to cook. And than: the magic! The kitchen becomes an animated, fragrant and colorful world! We cook a lot to prepare also for the first days of the week when works and commitments don't leave space to cooking. Than, mid-morning, coffee pause (in the garden, with the cats "ronroning", if the weather is nice) and than let's start again! Love this!
So, that "regular - Italian - Saturday" we cooked, among other things, this:


I know this is a super classic, but it's so easy, comforting, fresh and beautiful that I could not resist! Plus, this is a different version, a lighter one. In fact, instead of using only mascarpone, we use half mascarpone and....half RICOTTA. I swear, it is amazing, more delicate and guilt free!

  • 2 bowls
  • electrical whisks (fruste elettriche)
  • a rectangular pan (teglia rettangolare)
  • 1 caffettiera!
  • 20 minutes + rest!

  • 4 eggs (uova)
  • 1/2 cup white sugar (100 gr zucchero)
  • 7 ounces mascarpone (200 gr mascarpone)
  • 7 ounces ricotta (200 gr ricotta)
  • 4 tablespoons of Amaretto di Saronno (4 cucchiai di Amaretto)
  • 10 1/2 ounces Savoiardi biscuits (300 gr di Savoiardi)
  • coffee, italian style, please!
  • cocoa powder
  • prepare coffee (I usually make a caffettiera for 6 people) and than put it in a large plate adding the Amaretto liquor. Set apart.
preparate il caffè (di solito io faccio una caffettiera da sei tazze), mettete il caffè in un piatto largo, aggiungete il liquore e lasciate da parte.


the process for this dessert is very easy, you just have to be sure to perfectly beat the eggs with the sugar until you will obtain a light-yellow "mousse". Only at that point you can add the other ingredients.

il processo per questo dolce è molto semplice, dovete solo fare attenzione a montare pperfettamente le uova con lo zucchero finchè non otterrete una crema spumosa di colore giallo chiaro. Solo allora potrete aggiungere gli altri ingredienti.
  • beat the albumen with a pinch of salt until they become very firm. Set apart in the fridge
sbattete gli albumi con un pizzico di sale finche non diventano duri e metteteli in frigo
  • beat the egg yolks with the sugar
sbattete i tuorli con lo zucchero
  • add mascarpone and ricotta and continue to use the whisks
aggiungete mascarpone e ricotta usando sempre le fruste
  • when the cream is done turn off the whisk and, using a wooden spoon, add the albumen. Incorporate album gradually always mixing the cream top-down. This way the albumen will not lose the air it had incorporated when you whipped up it.
quando la crema è pronta prendete un cucchiaio di legno e con questo incorporate poco alla volta hli albumi. Dall'alto verso i basso per non smontarli

  • spread the bottom of the pan with 3 tbsp of the mixture
spalmate tre cucchiai di crema sul fondo della teglia
  • dip the savoiardi in the coffee-liquor, just for few seconds!
pucciate i savoiardi nel caffè, ma solo per pochssimi secondi! altrimenti si sfasciano!
  • arrange them in the pan so that they cover perfectly the surface
disponete nella teglia i savoiardi uno accanto all'altro in modo da coprire perfettamente la superficie
  • spread half of the mixture on the savoiardi
spalmate metà della crema sui savoiardi
  • repeat the operation for another level
ripetete l'operazione per un altro livello

  • set apart. this dessert has the rest some hours in the fridge before you can eat it. Better one entire night. Before serving it spread the surface with the cocoa powder.
Mettete in frigo, questo dolce deve riposare qualche ora in frigo prima di essere consumato, meglio una notte intera. Prima di servire spolverizzate con la polvere di cacao

Enjoy and Buon Appetito!