Torta della Nonna means "Grandmother's cake" and, in this case, I'm referring to my grandmother Maria. Making a grandmother cake, to me means regain that "comfort" I felt when I was a child. It means remember of those days when play and discover were the main activities of the day, just spaced out by tasty "merende" (afternoon snacks). I ate slices of fresh bread just spread with some good extra-virgin oil, vinegar and salt ... or home made cake like this one.
This is not a super chic recipe of a fancy cake , it's "just" a simple act of love!
- 1 bowl
- electric whisk
- 1 cake pan
- 1 hour
- 2 1/2 cup flour (300 gr farina)
- 2 cups sugar (200 gr zucchero)
- 3,5 oz butter (100 gr burro)
- 2 tablespoons baking powder (una bustina di lievito vanigliato)
- 1/2 tbs vanilla
- 3 eggs (3 uova)
- 3 golden delicious apples (3 mele delizia)
- the juice of 1 lemon + 1 mandarin (il succo di un limone e un mandarino)
Preheat oven at 350 F
Scaldare il forno a 180°C
- peel the apples and cut them in slices of 0.2 inches
sbucciare le mele e tagliarle in fette di mezzo centimetro circa di spessore
- drizzle with the lemon&mandarin juice
irrorare con il succo del limone e del mandarino
- beat the eggs and the sugar all together until the mixture become light and soft
sbattere le uova con lo zucchero finchè il composto non diventa più chiaro e spumoso
- add to the mixture the melted butter (room temperature) and beating
aggiungere al composto il burro fuso a temperatura ambiente e continuare a sbattere con le fruste
- add, spoon after spoon, the flour and the baking powder winnowed (+ vanilla), keeping beating
continuando a sbattere aggiungere la farina e il lievto setacciato
- put the apples into the mixture and gently mix
mettere le mele nel composto e mescolare delicatamente
- transfer in the cake pan (covered by a sheet of parchment paper), sprinkle sugar on it and cook for about 40 minutes
trasferire il composto nella teglia foderata con carta da forno, spoleverare con zucchero e cuocere per circa 40 miuti (dipende dal forno)
Enjoy, and maybe you'll find out that life is still playing and discovering ...
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