Grey day, sad day, need something to cheer me up...
What better than a super Chocolate dessert?
So, here I am with my Salame di Cioccolato recipe!
For it I used pure and organic cocoa powder, Piedmont hazelnuts and Gallette a simple biscuits made of flour, milk and sugar.
The recipe is simple, so simple that it is essential to use a good butter, not salted, fresh and without any weird no-cholesterol, low-fat descriptions on the package. Butter must be butter! It's not evil, the important thing is to eat it right and do not exceed! It would be amazing to use the farmer's butter you can buy at the green-market, for example in Union Square.
So, let's start!
Salame di Cioccolato
- a mixer
- 2 bowl
- wax paper (carta forno)
- 7 oz fresh butter (200 gr burro)
- 4,5 oz sugar (130 gr zucchero)
- 7 oz biscuits (200 gr biscotti tipo Oro Saiwa)
- 2 eggs
- 1,7 oz cocoa powder (50 gr polvere di cacao)
- 1,7 oz almonds (50 gr mandorle)
- 1,7 oz hazelnuts (50 gr nocciole)
- 1,7 oz pine nuts (50 gr pinoli)
- Whip up the albumens with a little pinch of salt until firm and set apart in the fridge
montare a neve gli albumi con un pizzico di sale finchè non sono sodi e metterli in frigo
- Grossly crumble the biscuits
sbriciolare grossolanamente i biscotti
- Grossly mince (with the mixer) almonds and hazelnuts being careful to keep them in quite big pieces
tritare grossolanamente mandorle e nocciole facendo attenzione a mantenerle in pezzi abbastanza grandi
- Whip sugar and butter, than add the egg yolks, the cocoa powder and mix
Montare il burro con lo zucchero, quindi aggiungere i tuorli delle uova, il cacao e mescolare
- Add the crumbled biscuits and continue to mix, than add the albumens and gently combine with the other ingredients
aggiungere i biscotti sbriciolati, mescolare quindi aggiungere gli albumi e incorporare gentilmente agli altri ingredienti
- Now add the hazelnuts, the almonds and the pine nuts and go on kneading all the ingredients toghether: so funny!
aggiungere nocciole, mandorle e pinoli e continuare a impastare: è così divertente!
- create a "salame" and wrap it in the wax paper. Keep in the freezer for one night before eating. When you want to eat it just put it into the fridge for about half an hour before serving it and ... enjoy!
creare un "salame" con l'impasto e avvolgerlo in carta forno. Conservare in freezer per una notte prima di consumarlo. Quando lo si vuole mangiare metterlo nel frigo per mezz'ora circa prima di consumarlo e...buon appetito!
I can not believe that you know this recipe! I thought that only in the region where I live this recipe is done. Beautiful salame. Next time try to add some chopped turkish delight.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I've seen this in one of my cookbooks but haven't tried it. Yours looks great!
ReplyDeleteThis looks great. I would really love to try make this. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteChocolate salami...........I am SO trying this. THANK YOU!
ReplyDeleteFantastic recipe! I like the mixture of nuts that you used. And I agree - it must be butter.
ReplyDeleteChocolate can definitely turn my day around. This looks great. I love all the nuts.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for the 'real' butter! Your salame looks so delicious - what a special treat!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of a chocolate salami, genius! This looks so beautiful I'm ready to make one right now, thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to have found your blog! This looks like a fantastic, unique recipe that my Italian in-laws would certainly love! What a wonderful treat!