I'm in complete linguistic confusion, I spoke french those days in Provence (I have lived one year in France, did I mentioned?!), and now I can't stop thinking in French, a language I love, so please forgive my mistakes!
Saint-Tropez was amazing, really amazing. The weather just perfect, the people deliciously french, and the food ... mmmmh!
I have been there four days. The first one I visited Saint Paul and Port Grimaud, two amazing and little villages of the South.
For what concerns Saint Tropez, it was fortunately, a little less "vip" than usual because of the "Bravade":
This is a Provençal traditional ceremony during which the Tropezians remember their saint patron: Saint-Tropez. All the village takes part to the celebrations which last three days and consist of religious ceremonies and long parades during which 500 kg of gun powder are burst! You can't imagine the noise!
During the four days of holiday, je me suis promenèe on the coast foot path, from Saint-Tropez, toward Cap Camarat, as far as l'Escalet. Wonderful landscape. I missed so much that wild nature, the smell of the sea and of the Mediterranean scrub. The plants were in flower and the colors so bright!
Other than walk, enjoy the village and the traditions, obviously, I ate! Fish, of course. So fresh and tasty. The typical recipe for the fish in this French region is the "Bourride", but in Saint-Tropez I found a Bourride façon Bouillabaisse, with saffron, and pieces of fish. Bourride and Bouillabasse are different kind of fish soup, with a strong presence of garlic and spices.
If you want to try them, here I propose you the BOURRIDE recipe as written in "La cuisine Provençale et Niçoise" by Dominique Compas. It's a wonderful recipe.
- 1/2 baudroie
- 1 loup
- un demi merlan
- 1 oignon émincé
- thym, fenouil, laurier
- 1 jaune d'oeuf par personne
- une dizaines de tranches the pain
- un aioli (sauce made with garlic, mayonnaise and spices)
Couper en tronçons le poisson et le disposer dans une casserole avec l'oignon émincé, le thym, le laurier.
Mouiller à couvert d'eau chaude. Saler et poivrer et laisser cuire un quart d'heure environ. Pendant ce temps, placer dans un plat légèrement creux les tranches de pain rassi d'un centimétre d'épaisseur. Une fois le posson cuit, imbiber avec le bouillon les tranches de pain sans le détremper. Utiliser une partie de l'aioli, le reste étant mis dans une saucière. Il faut compter deux cuillères à entremets d'aioli et un jaune d'oeuf par personne. Y verser le boiullon de poisson, bine délayer. Remettre sur feu (doux) et à l'aide d'une cuillère de bois remuer jusqu'à epaissement, comme pour une crème anglaise. La crème aura obtenu une consistence idéale lorsqu'elle nappera entièrement la cuillère de bois. Retire du feu immédiatement et en arroser les tranches de pain. Presenter le poisson à part ainsi que l'aioli réservé.
Vin conseillé: Bandol rouge.
In the Bourride I ate, there were also some potatoes (boiled together with the fish) and the saffron, maybe also some tomatoes, but i'm not sure!
I warmly suggest you to have a trip there, if you have the chance!
To say à bien tot I choose this picture trés gourmande: croissants et brioches PUR BEURRE!...to enjoy, please, with this music as background!:
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