I don't know if you ever fell like ... "shrunken", in the mind as well as in the body. Like if someone or something has compressed you and you are waiting for the time to scratch yourself and begin something new. Well, more or less is my sensation, now. It's not that easy to explain. I'm a little worried, but people around me just tell me that "moments of transition" are normal and I should "enjoy" them . Not sure about this, so, in the meanwhile, I try to cheer me up at least with some food!
The recipe I'm gonna show you need a little "introduction".
You should know that my boyfriend has a wonderful memory of the gnocchi dish that his Grandmother, Nonna Ines, used to cook when he was a child. Unfortunately we can't find her recipe. His brother has tried once, achieving a very good result, but I have never ate this dish and I was sooo curious. "They (gnocchi) were sooo soft, they melt down in your mouth, they were amazing, oh, I would like so much to eat them again, they were unique! They made me so happy!"
Perfect for me! And, of course, my taste buds could not resist to such a temptation!
We call his brother in Italy to know something about the ingredients. Turned out: no eggs and just a liiiitle of flour. I wasn't convinced at all, I mean, how can they remain compact with little of flour and no eggs?
Well. They can. And they are something I have never taste before. My taste buds went crazy. I can't describe it, but they melted, literally, leaving a delicate taste, so, simple and so ... they brought me the reassurance I needed in this wired day.
Gnocchi di Patate
- 1 pot
- a surface where to knead and shape the dumplings
- 1 hour and a half
- 4 yellow potatoes, about 25 ounces (circa 700 grammi patate)
- 9 ounces flour, but it depends on several factors such as humidity, kind of potatoes, ... (circa 250 grammi di farina, ma dipende da molti fattori, umidità, tipo di patate usate, ...)
- salt
- some butter and fresh sage for seasoning
- cook potatoes in their skins until they turn soft, about 40/45 minutes. To cook them put in cold water and than bring to boil
cuocere le patate con la buccia in acqua fredda finchè non diventano morbide, circa 40/45 minuti
- when they are still hot, peel them and put them through a fine sieve (or just use your fork to smash them)
quando sono ancora calde pelatele e passatele in un setaccio o usate una forchetta per schiacciarle bene. Attenzione che non rimangano pezzi non schiacciati!
- put potatoes on your work surface, add 1/2 tsp of salt and the flour. Mix well. As soon as the dough comes together stop adding flour. The secret is to add just the bare minimum of flour!
aggiungete alle patate un pizzico di sale e la farina e lavorate. Quando l'impasto rimane insieme non aggiungete altra farina. Il segreto è mettere solo la farina necessaria, non un grammo di più!
- shape the dumplings. To do so shape little spheres of 0,6 inches diameter. Than, dusting with flour all the time, gently push each piece of dough on a fork with your thumb, so that it take the classical shape: lines on the top, little dig on the bottom
formate gli gnocchi. Create delle piccole sfere di circa 1,5 cm di diametro. Infarinandov spesso le mani, spingete con il pollice la pallina su una forchetta così che si crei la classica forma dello gnocco. Piccole strishe sopra e una piccola scavatura sotto.
- Cook them in boiling and salted water. Be careful to immerse them one at a time. When they surface let them cook another 3 minutes. to drain them use a skimmer. Season with melted butter, frash sage and grated Parmigiano!
cuocete gli gnocchi in acqua bollente e salata. Quando vengono a galla fateli cuocere altri tre minuti e poi scolateli con una schiumarola. Condite con buro fuso, salvia e un bel pò di parmigiano!
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